Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Findings

Friday is always a great day to grab some games. It's a great way to kick off the weekend and get your hands on some totally non-essential things that you're more concerned about than your own health. So here are some pick-ups courtesy of the lovely What's on 2nd in Birmingham.


 Not too dag-gum shabby. I had to calm myself and keep from spending a lot, as they had tons of new stuff in today. If I was still 21 years old I would have bought a ton more, charged it all on a credit card and not even worried about it until years later. But I'm older now, and have to worry about that now(thanks, 20-something me).

Star Wars: Rebel Assault for the Sega CD. I honestly don't know if it's a decent game or not. I honestly don't care. I'm just starting to collect for the Sega CD now and I love to play Star Wars games. So that justifies this purchase.

Nights Into Dreams, the legendary Saturn game. I've had the sequel for the Wii for a few years now, but refused to play it until I played this bad boy first. Now I have no excuses. I probably should get the 3D controller maybe I do have an excuse.

                                                 Sega Saturn Action Replay, so I can play...

Fire Pro Wrestling and Puzzle Bobble 2X! I got these for a pretty good price too. I don't have many imports, but that will change as many of the best Saturn games were never released here in the good ol' U.S. of A.

Here are a few games I actually want to play on the Game Gear. I'm hoping Shinobi II is comparable in some way to the Genesis Shinobi games, which are pretty darn fun. I kinda pooped myself a little when I saw Streets of Rage 2 sitting there. It's not a rare or expensive game at all, but I just didn't want to ebay a copy. It's hard to find a good lot of Game Gear games and usually with ebay'ing a cheap game you're going through a lot of hoops for something so inexpensive. Shame on the kid who wrote his name on the label! And I didn't really poop myself, not even a little.

                                                            And as a special bonus....

Ian at What's on 2nd threw this in for me. A genuine Captain N: The Game Master VHS! I knew my Captain N handle would pay off one day. The box is in really good condition, which is not too surprising since it was probably watched once 20 years ago and sat on a shelf since then. Personally, I love the show. It's Nintendo, it's super cheesy, and it brings back lots of great memories. Captain N was also one of the last of the classic Saturday morning cartoons before the networks starting moving away from the traditional Saturday morning cartoon format. :( But anyways, I actually already own all of the Captain N episodes on DVD. I got them, along with all of the Super Mario Bros Super Show, from Shout! Factory a couple years back.

Enough rambling! Hopefully I will have another update or two this weekend, as I have a few sources bringing me the goodies I need. Until then, game on!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Little bit of loot today

 Here are a few games that I picked up while downtown today...

Porky's for the 2600. I'm sure the game is utter crap, but it was cheap and it just seems like an oddball license to make a game out of, so why not. Plus, I really like the label art. Dead or Alive 2 for just seems like a DreamCast collection isn't much of a DreamCast collection without it. And Jet Force Gemini for just 5 bucks. I don't think I ever played this back in the day, but I've heard some good things about it. The cart and label are in great condition as well.

I also got in a few games that I had ordered from I've used eStarland a few times in the past and have always been very satisfied with their service. Their prices aren't too bad either. Now I have my first Atari Lynx game, Chips Challenge, which is still factory sealed. I'll be more than happy to break the seal on it once my Lynx arrives sometime next week. This is supposed to be a pretty fun little puzzle game. Also, I got the disc only Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective for Sega CD. Back when the Sega CD first came out, I really wanted this game. The funny thing was that I didn't even have a Genesis back then. I didn't even really want a Genesis, but this game almost persuaded me to blow my Christmas wishlist on a Genesis/Sega CD. Well, that didn't happen, but here we are about 20 years later and I finally have my Sherlock Holmes. I already have a case for the game, as I got a cracked disc copy of the game last month. Estarland had the disc only for just 3 smackers, so it was a no-brainer for me.

Well that's probably going to be all for this week, as I'll busy working all weekend.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 17 2013 Loot

Last Friday I went a little bit out of my way to hit up a few places I had not really got to check out yet. I'm pretty happy with the results, as I came across a few games that are a bit harder to find, and also ran into some good prices on a few. This was the overall haul for the day.
This is the most games Ive bought in one day in a while, but some of them were a pretty good deal, and some I've been looking for and had to scoop up. Let's take a closer look.

At the flea market I picked up a CIB Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse for the Genesis($10!). I've been looking for that one for a while. I also got Blaster Master 2 for the Genesis on the cheap, but the label is kinda jacked up. Also Star Wars Episode I Racer for the DreamCast at the store I went to. Really wanted that one for a while. I already had the N64 version, but wanted to see how the DC version was. Plus, I adore Star Wars games from that era.

Also, the dude at the flea market let me get these 2 Master System games for $5 total. Gotta start somewhere.

These came from the store I visited, with the exception of Double Dragon coming from the flea market. Finally,  I have the first 3 DD games for the NES. Contra is in pretty decent shape, but the kicker was the price: $17. That's about $10 cheaper than ebay prices. Metal Gear I picked up for $6 and The Mafat Conspiracy(sequel to Golgo 13) was a measly 5 clams. Strangely enough, I had bought the sequels to Metal Gear and Contra(Snake's Revenge and Super C) just the day before.

Also from the store(that I'll definitely be going back to), a $9 CIB Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth for N64 and G.I. Joe for the NES....I think it was only 5 bucks. Nice!

Here is a closeup of Star Wars Episode I Racer, showing the jewel case damage. Disc is in great shape though. I forgot I had already ebay'd one of these, so I'll end up giving this one to me brudder.


I couldn't believe when I saw these 2 at the store. Castlevania: Curse of Darkness has, for some reason, been very hard for me to find. And Battlestar Galactica, well, I've been re-watching the (newer)series and just couldn't pass it up. I'd actually forgotten that they made a BSG game for PS2.

And bringing up the rear(and deservedly so, I've read) Final Fight: Streetwise for X-Box arrived in the mail that same day. I know the game is supposed to be a travesty and practically devoid of any redeeming qualities, but it's Final Fight. I want to get all of the Final Fight games eventually, and that even includes you, Streetwise.

All in all, that was one of the best hauls I've made in some time. A combination of good prices and some games I've been wanting and searching for.

                       Surely, Gunpei Yokoi must have been looking out for me that day.

Greetings and Salutations

Well here we go! I'll using the magic of the interwebz here to document my additions to my gaming collection. I figured instead of keeping some document for myself, it would be a good way to keep track of things, as well as share with anyone interested(probably just my brother). I will also blab(blog) about any other gaming thoughts or memories, because sometimes I want to talk about games when I'm alone at 3AM and people who talk to themselves are supposedly insane.

Anways, down to the nitty gritty! As of now my video game collection stands at just over 650 physical copies of individual games. In addition to that, I have just over 70 digitally downloaded(all legal) games, but those don't really count. Here are some facts on my collection as she stands now...
Console That I Own The Most Games For: GameCube(86-ish) or Atari 2600
There are a few reasons for this. First of all, that generation of gaming(6th Gen) was the first gen that I had some serious disposable income to blow. Secondly, if there is a multi-console game that I want, 99% of the time I support Nintendo's console if it is of similar quality to the ones on a competitor's console. Third, there were quite a few good games around that time! It was right around the time that gaming was teetering on the brink of going all Hollywood and losing it's soul(which it mostly has by now), but still had a foot/toe back in Mount Olympus,  the dwelling place of the gods where it was born. The Atari 2600 may have actually surpassed my GC collection now, but I know I have 80+ 2600 games.

Console That I Own The Least Games For In My Collection: PS3(1)
Actually, I don't even own a PS3, but I do have a copy of Metal Gear 4. It patiently awaits the day that I can find a PS3 cheap enough to justify it's purchase for the handful of PS3 games that I want to play.

How Long I Have Been Collection: 10+ years 
As I alluded to when talking about my GameCube collection, that time period was when I had enough dough to really afford my gaming. So it was around this time that I stopped selling off my games when something new came out that I wanted. It took a moment to realize "Hey, I can keep all this crap now!"

My Most Valuable Game: Earthbound, cart only.
Just the cart of Earthbound goes for silly prices now, but I only shelled out 55 clams for this on ebay some years ago. And I thought I was overpaying at the time...Some of the other more "valuable" games I have are cart only's of Ninja Gaiden Trilogy and Mighty Final Fight, and CIB(complete in box) Cubivore and Metroid Prime Trilogy.

My Most Obscure/Rare Game: Dunno
I guess as far as more recent games, Cubivore is one of the more obscure. It's crazy to think how hyped I was for this and how I bought it day one of it's release, never having any idea that it would be one of the more sought after GC games for collectors. But to be honest, I probably have some Atari 2600 games that are more rare than Cubivore.

Well, that's enough for now. My next blab will probably be about my recent game finds from last week.