Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday Findings

After a deep slumber I departed from my chambers and ventured out into the madness of Black Friday. It was, of course, madness. Overall it wasn't too bad since I waited long enough for the worst of the crowds to thin out. I came away with some nice deals today, mostly of the new/modern game variety.

I got a pretty nice deal on these, but nothing too major. I paid full price on Super Mario 3D World($60), but got 40% off on another game. So that knocked DuckTales: Remastered down to about $12. Since I was planning to get both games, it made sense to go ahead and get them both while Toys R Us had this sale going on. Even though I already own DuckTales on NES, it will still be nice to see what they've done with it on the remake. CANNOT WAIT to dig into Mario 3D World!

As much as I despise Gamestop, I could not pass up this deal(of sorts). The fact that Michael Ironside did not provide the voice of Sam Fisher in Blacklist almost made me pass up on this game entirely. A friend (who is as equally fond of Ironside as Fisher) told me that the game is good enough to barely make up for that loss. So for $25, I pulled the trigger. What was real crappy/Gamestoppy was that I noticed my "new" game had multiple fingerprints and a few small scratches on the disc. Luckily, the Gamestop close to my home let me swap the disc out with one that is closer to "new" condition than the other one. Too bad the cover art has "Gamestop Edition" on the front. I can get their crappy stickers off, but they went s far as to put their name in the cover art with this one. I've never noticed that before on any game. Oh well, at least I got a good deal on the game.

Now here are two games I've been meaning to get for a long time, though neither is too high on my playlist now. This was also a Toys R Us deal. You could buy any game that was $15 or $20 and get another of the same price for $1. So I paid $21 for two sweet games. Nice!

 And to round it all out, here are three NES games I picked up at Top Games. The Three Stooges, Tag Team Wrestling, and Joust with the manual. Top Games had the "buy two, get one free" deal going on used games. So $15 buck for these three games wasn't too bad at all. Concerning Joust, which is a really fun game, there are two things to note. First, I found out when I got home that I already own a NES copy of Joust(d'oh!). Secondly, this copy of Joust came with the manual(score!).
And as a special showstopper, here are two nifty items from the belly of the beast(Wal-Mart). Tropic Thunder on dvd for $2. Aaaaaaaand the fantabulously awesome show Firefly for $10! I'll take that deal any day. Until next time.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Bombs Awayyyyyyyy

This week I made away with only two games, but they are two games that I'm very happy to have. First up, for the NES....

Hudson Soft's timeless hero himself, Bomberman! Honestly, it has been ages since I've played a Bomberman game. I'm especially looking forward to playing Bomberman here on the NES, back when things were simple. I played Bomberman Jetters(I think it was) on the GameCube some years back, and it really didn't feel like Bomberman to me. It's always refreshing to go back and rediscover what made a lost and confused series(as it is now) so great in the beginning. And to top things off, check out that sweet label art. Gotta love it.

And next, continuing the Bomberman theme, Panic Bomber for the Virtual Boy!

I don't know much about this game, but being that it's a Bomberman game from years past, I'd bet it's pretty decent. Oddly enough, though I only own a handful of Virtual Boy games, I now own roughly half of the Virtual Boy library. I guess it's not that strange when you consider the Virtual Boy only has a library that is a few handfuls. Anyways, I plan to one day sit back with the Virtual Boy and give each of the VB games I own a good playthrough. This is probably the one I'm most hopeful for.

Well, enough jibber jabber. It's time to get a movie playing and pray that sleep comes to me soon. Oh yeah, have I ever mentioned how awesome it is to have a wife who thinks your game collection/collecting is cool? Well, let me just say that it is awesome!

Friday, November 8, 2013

welcome back, welcome back, welcome back

After a few hectic weeks(marriage, honeymoon), it was definitely time to grab a few oldies. It felt a little weird being out of the loop. Not hunting down dusty old carts can make you feel lazy. It's like you're not accomplishing anything and wasting time. So it felt great to be back in the saddle again. Hopefully I can continue to add a few games here and there every few weeks now. Anyways, here's the mini-stash I compiled the last week.

I was pretty surprised to find a few TurboGrafx-16 games out in the wild: Ordyne and Dungeon Explorer, both unfortunately without their jewel cases. Still, they are games(that hopefully work). Maybe I can test them out soonish. Also, Double Dragon for the Master System! Too bad it's got some heavy wear along the label aaaaaand no case. I'm REALLY looking forward to playing it, as it is supposed to be superior to the NES version. Also, the 6-Pak for Sega Genesis complete. 6 hot Genesis games on one cart! I primarily picked it up to finally have a physical copy of Streets of Rage(unless you count the Genesis Collection for 360). I'm finding it particularly hard to find a decent copy of Streets of Rage 1 & 3...

I also picked up two NES games: The Legend of Kage with the box, no manual, and Dragon Warrior III. I really hope that DWIII's battery is still working, as I've become quite fond of the Dragon Warrior/Quest games the last few years.

So what does the future hold for my game hunting? Only time will tell. The good news is my wife thinks my collection is cool and wants to go on the hunt with me. It will be nice to have a partner to get out there and pound the pavement with me. Well, until next time, kiddos!