Saturday, May 24, 2014

Craigslist super duper pickup!

An unexpected Craigslist find! Got a killer deal on some Pokemon and one of Nintendo's most (in)famous systems....

Well blow me down!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Video Game Pickups...It's been a good week!

Here is my video game pickup video for mid-May. I found some really cool games this past week and scored a pretty nice haul at the flea market today. Of particular note are the Saturn and Dreamcast games. 1) It's hard to find Saturn games around here that aren't sports or total crap games. 2) It's hard to find DreamCast games around here that aren't sports, total crap games, or the same good/decent games that always pop up(like Sonic Adventure). Here's to hoping for a fruitful game hunting summer!

mid-May Video Game Pickup crazyness!